Be Prepared for Three Day Sickness (BEF)
October 30, 2016Three day Sickness (BEF – Bovine Ephemeral Fever) vaccine is now available for purchase. Due to the early wet weather & the prevalence of mosquitoes this season it is expected be a major problem.
Bovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF) is a viral disease of cattle that is spread by mosquitoes and biting midges. It occurs in northern Australia and along the eastern seaboard south to the NSW-VIC border.
It is called three day sickness because the clinical signs of the disease usually last for three days. BEF causes cattle to go down with fever and muscle stiffness. Cattle that remain down from too long may suffer from muscle and nerve damage that prevents the animal from being able to stand again. Pregnant cows are at increased risk of abortion.
This disease usually occurs between January and April, with the greatest number of cases in March. However, cases can occur from December through to early June. Cases in the winter or spring months, even in coastal districts, are rare.
For further details see THREE DAY SICKNESS under the HERD HEALTH tab.
* Ensure you leave enough time for cattle that need two doses to receive both before an outbreak occurs.
Cattle have a better immune response to vaccines if vaccination occurs before the weather becomes too hot.
You can participate in the BEF vaccination program and order your vaccines through The University of Sydney, Livestock Veterinary Teaching and Research Unit, Camden, by phoning Ivana on (02) 46550777
The price this year is $86.40 + GST per 10 dose vial
HOW MUCH ARE YOU CATTLE WORTH …. $8.64 + GST per animal is very inexpensive..
Vaccines can also be ordered through your local cattle veterinarian.