
Showing your registered Australian Lowline cattle provides you with an opportunity to present them to potential purchasers and to other beef breeders. Showing should be fun and enjoyable as well as serious business!
It also presents a wonderful opportunity to speak with other breeders who are generally more than happy to share their experiences and pass on any tips.
Constructive critique by a judge can give you ideas on:
- What to look for in a good animal
- How to improve the way you prepare and present your animals at a show
- How to select suitable bulls to join to your females to promote things such as length, thickness, depth
There is always something new to learn.
There are three main areas of showing your animals to the industry and public:

- Royal, regional and country shows – Australian Lowline cattle are shown at all Royal shows and many regional and country shows throughout Australia & New Zealand
- Hoof and hook (carcass) competitions – this is an excellent way to gain information on carcass traits
- Expos and Field Days – as these are generally agricultural in nature and based more on education and exhibition rather than judging. Attending expos or field days provides exposure for the breed to other beef breeders and the general public.
In summary, exhibiting either at a field day, expo or in the show ring is an excellent way to promote your stud and breed, meet like-minded people and gain useful information.
To find shows or events in your state, check the Events page on the website.
If you would like to know how to start showing your cattle, contact a member in your area and have a chat – there is always someone happy to help.
You might find our document Equipment for Showing Cattle useful to organise your show box and give you ideas on what you might need.
Australian Lowline Breed Uniform
To show cattle, a breed uniform is required at all shows, including Royal Shows.
- Black Lowline woollen sleeveless vest
- Chambray shirt (Light blue)
- Moleskin pants or Blue jeans
- Lowline breed tie (not a requirement but can be purchased to wear at shows)
In Queensland, it is acceptable to wear WHITE COATS if you don’t have a breed uniform. This is an option for schools who have students showing Lowlines at local & regional shows.
The woollen vest, chambray shirt and breed tie are available for purchase in the Lowline Shop
Health Requirements for Showing Cattle
When showing your cattle, you are required to abide by the Health Regulations of the Agricultural Societies, regarding contagious and infectious health conditions or diseases. These will be stated in the relevant Agricultural Show Society catalogues for show entries.
All national shows require you to provide evidence that all cattle shown including calves have been tested for PI (persistent infection) of pestivirus (bovine viral diarrhoea virus). This test is easily done by collecting hair from the tail as is done for DNA parent verification, or by ear notch testing. Collection kits are available free from
- Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI), Menangle, NSW (Hair sample)
- Neogen Australasia, Gatton QLD. (Hair sample)
- Swans Veterinary Services, Esperance, WA (Ear notch)
Further information & forms can be downloaded from the Forms & Downloads.
There is a fee for each test performed.
You can also send your hair sample to Neogen who will forward the sample on to Elizabeth McArthur Agricultural Institute.
For the benefit of your own animals and those of other exhibitors, it is strongly recommended that any animal that is unwell should not be brought to a show. Any slight illness can worsen through the stress of travel and of being in a confined space such as a cattle shed with many other animals.
It is also strongly recommended not to take females in the last month of pregnancy or calves less than 2 months old to shows as their health may be compromised if they come in contact with a sick animal.