Breeding Lowline Cattle

If you are breeding, or intend to breed Australian Lowline cattle there are several pathways available to you:

  • stud/seed stock
  • commercial
  • or a combination of the above

All of the above options will also allow you to utilise ALCA’s Certified Lowline Beef program or access the Approved AI Sires semen (including Heritage Semen) to expand your genetics.

NOTE — with DNA traceability back to the Foundation Herd as a requirement, proof of registration is the ONLY guarantee you are buying 100% Lowline. Therefore, it is recommended by the Association that you buy registered Lowlines.


Stud Breeding

The role of the Stud or Seedstock producer is an important one. They are vital to maintaining the quality of the animal, the breed traits and breed standard. The commercial sector heavily relies upon the Stud /Seedstock producer to breed structurally correct, sound cattle that produce results in the paddock and on the plate. The...

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Commercial Breeding

The Role of the Australian Lowline in the Commercial Sector – The quality of Lowline and Lowline cross beef has been increasingly recognised within the cattle industry, both within Australia and Internationally. Success in carcase competitions of Lowline influenced animals further serves to promote the value of using this heritage beef breed in commercial situations....

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Lowline AI Approved Sires

AI Approved Sires & Heritage Semen

ALCA provides a service of registering semen collected from certain Australian Lowline bulls. These bulls are then referred to as AI Approved Sires. The listing of AI Approved Sires facilitates the registration of progeny from these bulls (refer to By-Law 6.2) The conditions governing the process for gaining AI Sire Registration and the AI Approved...

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Certified Lowline Beef (CLB)

Certified Lowline Beef (CLB) is a term used by Australian Lowline cattle producers who have entered into an agreement with the Australian Lowline Cattle Association (ALCA). Eligibility to join the programme and market beef as ‘ Certified Lowline Beef ‘ is determined by the signing of and adherence to the terms of the CLB Producers...

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