June 19, 2017Rockhampton Show was well supported by Lowline breeders, with 6 studs exhibiting over 30 head of cattle. There was a real spirit of cooperation – from borrowing clippers and hoses to helping each other out cleaning and feeding and maintaining cattle – and that huge clean up job, everyone worked together! And what a great group of youngsters we have, helping each other, giving advice and sharing experiences and success! The future looks very bright…
Female under 9mths
1st Crimson Park Megan shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
2nd Desire Red Malia shown by Rockhampton Girls Grammar School (RGGS)
Female 12months & under 15 months
1st Timitch Hill Mahalia shown by Timitch Hill Enterprises
2nd M&M Meredith shown by Brandon Beck
Champion Female Calf Compact Breed
Crimson Park Megan shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
Reserve Champion Calf Compact Breed
Desire Red Malia shown by RGGS
Bull 9mth & under 12 months
1st Langley Park Mr Mick Maverick shown by Brandon Beck
2nd Timitch Hill Mac shown by Timitch Hill Enterprises
Bull 12 months & under 15 months
1st McIntosh Creek Mondaroo shown by RGGS
Champion Male Calf Compact Breeds
Langley Park Mr Mick Maverick
Reserve Champion Calf Compact Breeds
McIntosh Creek Mondaroo
Female 15mths & under 17 mths
1st McIntosh Creek Mystery Girl shown by RGGG
2nd Gigi Maybe Midnight shown by RGGS
3rd Whispers Gria shown by RGGS
4th Desire Red Mini shown by RGGS
Female 19mths & under 21 months
1st Crimson Park Legacy shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
2nd Crimson Park Luana shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
3rd Timitch Hill Lazuli shown by Timitch Hill Enterprises
Champion Female Junior Compact Breeds
Crimson Park Legacy
Reserve Champion Female Junior
McIntosh Creek Mystery Girl
Bull 15mths & under 17 months
1st Serena Downs Merlin the Magician shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
Champion Junior Male Compact Breeds
Serena Downs Merlin the Magician
Female 24months & under 39 months
1st Gigi Lilac shown by RGGS
2nd Crimson Park Kaye shown by Brandon Beck
3rd Whitby Farm Heidi shown by RGGS
30 months & older
1st Allambie Gladys shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
2nd Crimson Park Krystal shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
3rd Serena Downs Hannah Lilly shown by Brandon Beck
Champion Senior Female Compact Breeds
Gigi Lilac
Reserve Champion Calf Compact Breeds
Allambie Gladys
Bull 30 months & older
1st Crimson Park Keigh shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
2nd Crimson Park Justajolly shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
3rd Crimson Park Krypton shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
4th Timitch Hill Khaleesi shown by Timitch Hill Enterprises
Champion Senior Bull Compact Breeds
Crimson Park Keigh
Reserve Champion
Crimson Park Justajolly
Grand Champion Female Compact Breeds
Crimson Park Magic Megan shown by Crimson Park Lowlines
Grand Champion Male Compact Breeds
Crimson Park Keigh
Breeders Group
Crimson Park Lowlines
Sires Progeny
Timitch Hill with Timitch Hill Alexander
Dams Progeny
Crimson Park Lowlines with Tanview Grace